SVC Chaos got re-released on Steam, but the artwork has been censored in the west

Looks like Capcom and SNK are friends again right now, which is awesome to see because these are two companies with a huge legacy and portfolio in the gaming history.
Today on July 21, they just re-released SVC Chaos on Steam. But unfortunately the western version of the game's artwork came with HUGE censorship:

How much one need to hate women in order censor Mai Shiranui's tiddies?
Also, Code Mystics (the developers of this version of the game) decided to add that disclaimer in the game's boot up.

... guess it's less worse than actually censoring the game itself, right?
I'm glad that the japanese are not afraid of women, God bless Nihon!

Japanese announcement with the original art
Let's hope that the game itself doesn't have any kind of censorship in it.
I'll keep watching.
Code Mystics explained that they didn't alter anything in-game.