Support our mission: make a donation today!

We are an organization dedicated to raising consumer awareness, and thanks to you guys we've come this far!

But to keep this journey going on, we need continous support! So please consider making a donation today!

We don't do it for money, but we need money to keep doing it!

Donate now

  1. $5
  2. $10
  3. $25
  4. $50
  5. $100
  6. $500
  7. Donate custom amount

What are you helping to build?

  1. Quickstart the project

    We started the website development

  2. Website launch

    • Add a game tracking system that allows games not present in the Steam Store also get tracked
    • Add a homepage for tracked games previewing, Kabrutus social media promotion and also indexing all the website content
    • Add a basic “About Us” page
  3. First update

    • Add three new lists for better coverage of the gaming industry issues and bring more information to gamers
      • Bad localization
      • Community mismanagers
      • Censored
    • Updates the game page template for better user experience
    • Removes some “expensive” endpoints and switches to static pages only for better protection against DDoS.
    • Bunch of new games added
  4. Second Update (13th of July, 2024)

    • Add a news system
    • Improve the entire website SEO. Including:
      • Robots.txt and Sitemap documents for better visualization by search engines
      • All the resonable metadata to the entire website
      • Open graph image generation to ilustrate posts
    • Update the home page to better represent and index the website content
    • Add Google ads to fund the website
  5. Next steps

    • Finish this backlog list

    This backlog is not 100% accurate and we will improve it in the future

    Features we are considering adding to the project:

    • Add a movie and/or anime tracking system, similar to the games one
    • Improve the current author pages
    • Add related news to games
    • Add comments functionalities

    This might take a while because it requires more DDoS mitigation strategies since we have some people motivated to take us down

    • Improve the search/filter/sort pages usability

    This also might take a while because of DDoS mitigation strategies

    • More to come