Tomb Raider: Shadows Of Truth

It's been a while since Tomb Raider: Shadows of Truth got announced, and yeah I know I'm kinda late to the party but that's because I moved to literally the other side of the world mainly... I believe that the vast majority of you guys are aware of that already, right?
Anyway, it's another (sad) case of a classic, well established and beloved franchise being used as a tool to spread political agendas, that kind of political agenda, in fact.

This time they will "deconstruct" (A.K.A. destroy) the franchise by removing "colonialism" from Lara Croft, somehow it is now a problem.
The game is being made by Evil Hat Productions, and these are some of the people that are working on the project, some of them are consultants.

And this is Sahoni, one of the consultants.

Pam Punzala, another consultant that is working on the project, wrote an article where he complains about "sensitivity readers" being underpaid.

One of the designers...

Thanks to @KirscheVerstahl for the info regarding the developers of the game.
Oh, and let's not forget that this isn't the first time where Evil Hat Productions condemns the original source/author of a franchise while using it to make some cash for their own at the same time. They did the same thing back in 2020, when they released a tabletop game based in H.P. Lovecraft's universe.

They shared some infos about the upcoming game too.

Well, Tomb Raider (real) fans, I'm sorry for you guys.
But again it's is like I always say: don't be afraid to move on. You guys can perfectly still like the old, good Tomb Raider stuff and ignore the new, bad ones.
Never forget to talk with your wallets.
- Tabletop